Wrapping Your Airsoft Gun in Camo Tape

Wrapping Your Airsoft Gun in Camo Tape

Airsoft Rifle camouflageWhen I started Airsoft I did non realize how of import cover-up really is. Along the mode nosotros've seen many situations where camouflage would have make a huge difference in being hit or not. You but realize information technology when seeing information technology. It took me a few years to realize only I now can say camouflage makes a huge divergence.

Unfortunately, virtually Airsofters approach information technology kind of the wrong manner. They forget the nuts just instead, wearing a super fancy ghillie arrange. That makes no sense. First start with the nuts. After all, a ghillie adapt is barely assigned for Airsoft.

Every time when somebody spots you and shoot you, ask yourself this question:"what went wrong" and "why am I being hitting"? There are 2 major reasons for that: either information technology was your movement or your camouflage. It's not easy to improve how y'all motion and where yous motion. Y'all have to practise it. Instead, camouflage is easy to fix. How? By learning the nuts.

The Basics of Cover-up and Concealment

Starting with the basics, there are a couple things you should know otherwise you may exist seen past your opponent.

Personal camouflage applies to your face and neck, the tone and colors of your hands and the silhouette of your equipment.  Utilise camouflage face paint to camouflage your face and neck. You lot can use the face up paint from the brand "Hunter Specialty" which is handmade and expert quality stuff.

Conveying equipment will not contribute to pause up the outline and the shape of your silhouette. When standing backside cover you lot may still be visible. For instance you lot habiliment something on your dorsum that peaks out. Or yous have your Airsoft replica in high ready and y'all elbows are peaking out. You can solve this issue by tying some cord across equipment. You can also necktie it to hold foliage.

Your Airsoft gun needs camouflage too. You tin wrap some hessian or scrim effectually it to hide the metal surface and break up the outline.

The purpose of concealment is to blend in with your environment. Therefore, you must be aware of "petty mistakes" that will requite away your position. Yous blend in with your surroundings by(1):

  • Don't look over cover past peaking out your head. Await effectually or through embrace like sitting betwixt bushes
  • Do not skyline yourself past bringing yourself upfront. Always apply some cover.
  • Match with your surround. Your surroundings should have the same patterns like your camouflage.
  • Don't pick an object that stands out. A tree for example is some slice of isolated cover. Instead use bushes if in that location are more bushes on the field. These look more natural and provide meliorate cover.

These are basic rules that you tin can apply immediately in your Airsoft play. Remember these rules when yous're on the field next time.

Camouflage patterns

Different cover-up patterns are available to Airsofters. As these are the almost common used, I think one of these volition fit your environment. Start with the basics. Don't get fancy with information technology. Appropriately coloured wear that suits your surroundings is one of the nuts to start with.


The Multicam pattern is used by US Special Forces. This blueprint is a multi environment pattern en can be used for different purposes.

Camouflage pattern

British Multi Terrain Pattern (MTP)

This camouflage pattern looks very similar to MultiCam. Therefore these 2 patterns are usually misfile. This multi terrain pattern is designed to apply in multiple terrain. Yet, there are better patterns out in that location for specif areas

British MTP camouflage pattern

British DPM

The British DPM cover-up pattern is mostly used in woodland. Main variants of British DPM are a iv-colour woodland pattern, and dersert pattern in two, 3 or four colours.

British DPM camouflage

British desert DPM

This camouflage pattern is used in the Centre Eastward and surrounding areas. It can be used in other countries, especially in dusty parts and warm climate.

british dessert camouflage

United States Ground forces Combat Uniform

This camouflage pattern is gray in color and works well in urban environments. This pattern is not suitable for a woodland type of Airsoft field.

US ARmy combat camouflage

This list of camouflage patterns may not wearied just I call back are the most common used. All cover-up is used to protect personnel and equipment from ascertainment past enemy forces.(ii)


This is a sandy looking design and therefore suited to warmer climates or urban environments. Information technology is mostly used by the U.s.a. Navy Seals.

Camouflage pattern AOR-1


This camouflage blueprint is also used by the US Navy Seals. This ane is different from the first 1 as it is green/woodland looking design. This design is suited for woodland or urban surroundings.

Camouflage pattern AOR-2

In club to play Airsoft you need at to the lowest degree some sort of camouflage to muffle yourself whether it is a BDU (Boxing Wearing apparel Uniform) or just a tactical camouflage T-shirt. It also depends on what kind of Airsoft function you play and the vegetation of your surroundings. So don't make it likewise difficult for yourself. Search on cyberspace for a field map and encounter what kind of environs yous're dealing with. If you even so don't have a clue ask the field administrator for advice.

Cover-up and darkening techniques

Now that nosotros know the basics of camouflage and darkening allow's dive a bit deeper in some cover-up techniques which will give you lot even more concealment.

Every fourth dimension when somebody spots you and have you out, ask yourself and that person what went incorrect. It'due south always due to your movement or your camouflage/concealment. Then why not focus in improving those two? We showtime with camouflage and concealment.

Camouflage your face and head

Your face is something that stands out and so yous definitely need to camouflage your face. A round object is not natural and and so that'due south why information technology attracts your opponent's attention. How really do you lot cover-up your face? Well, it's not as simple as that. Let me explicate.

Face painting

The main goals of camouflaging your face is to cover all exposed skin. So that includes your optics, lips, ears, backside your ears and your neck. Not every brand suits face camouflage. There is a lot of crap out there. I suggest you use Hunter Specialty. It's manmade and doesn't reflect or shine when yous sweat. If you want to practise it right you all three colors: green, black and brown. In that location are likewise kits on the market which mud brown, flat blackness, and bark grayness. Cull the camouflage kit that suits your environs. For my example on how to face paint I will use green, black and brown.

Face painting is not like real painting. You smear information technology in. Nosotros simply offset with the basic dark-green colour to expose all the white skin. That way y'all gonna alloy in the green. In one case you covered all the white skin you go over and use some black camouflage painting. Use the black camouflage paint to embrace the high points of your confront: ears, nose, mentum and the points of your cheek bones. Just apply a little bit on those points. The result is only a few stripes to cover the high points of your face, including the forehead. Cease with the brow color. Put just a few stripes next the black stripes to break it up a bit. That is the basic of face painting.

The chief disadvantage of of face painting is that you don't accept any protection. Safety is e'er offset so if y'all tin can, employ a mesh mask or scarf.

Camouflage your hands

We move on with arms and hands. They should be covered as well. Many of yous have their sleeves on their elbow. Roll those sleeves down to comprehend the white skin. For me those sleeves were an unimportant gene just betrayed my position several times.

If y'all don't use gloves camouflage only the top of your hand. You don't cover-up the back of your hand.

Camouflage your head

Now your head is withal non finished. Your head will nevertheless be outstanding and attract people's attentionAirsoft camouflage boonie considering your head'south class is not nature. Therefore use a Boonie.  This hat is designed to break upwardly the outline of your head. Every bit you tin see on the prototype, a Boonie has some loops around the shield. Use the small loops on the head to advertizement some vegetation to ameliorate alloy in your surround. Don't allow information technology stick out also far. It only has to cover the hight of your hat.

Some other way to camouflage your head is to use a mesh mask. This is actually the most practical and easiest one. Face painting requires a lot of work and perhaps some of you won't any pigment on your skin. And unlike face painting a mesh mask is likewise safe. In add-on to that mesh mask you lot can also use a scarf.

Miscellaneous camouflage techniques

YAirsoft Rifle camouflageour gun is a shiny slice of metal in the forest, so information technology definitely can give abroad your position. Therefore it'southward not a bad idea to camouflage your gun. The easiest manner to do that is wrapping the gun with camouflage tape or spray the unabridged gun. Another mode to cover-up your gun is to wrap some vegetation around your gun. A disadvantage of vegetation effectually your gun is that it will limit the function of the gun and your scope view. A ghillie rifle wrap is easier to conform.

The camouflage of your head, hands and gun are the basics. Y'all tin can go one step further by wearing a Battle Dress Uniform or ghillie suit. A ghillie adjust is in every Airsoft sniper's imagination but is actually not actually assigned for Airsoft. Too that, information technology can be actually hot and sweaty in a ghillie adjust.

Other means of cover-up you lot don't recall of are the noise of your equipment and how you inform your teammates. When you lot sneak around close to your opponent, it will attract people'due south attending when they hear some magazines clicking against each other. There is many more equipment that can brand an unnatural and unusual noise that will concenter people's attention. So before you enter the field jump a few times on your feet and hear if some of your equipment makes noise. If and so, apply for example necktie raps or something else. Try to avoid racket.

How do you get people'southward attention? Don't practice that by shouting or snapping your fingers. Again, this is an unusual audio that volition attract people's attention. Instead, utilise a simple ssst, every bit if your tire is apartment … It's not something that grabs people'southward attending and doesn't sound manmade.

Painting Airsoft Sniper(rifle)

Airsoft gun paintingOne way to cover-up your gun is to wrap information technology with camouflage tape. The other fashion is to paint it. What is the all-time way to pigment your Airsoft sniper? The easiest manner to paint your gun is hanging your gun  and not put in on a apartment surface. That is considering you doubling or fifty-fifty quadrupling the time information technology takes to paint your gun. The other thing is that y'all tin can't see how one side looks versus the other while painting.

Necessities to paint your replica

What do you need to paint your gun? Well, it doesn't have to be complicated in the first place. I see many painting guroes at Youtube on how to paint an Airsoft gun but all that I see is a sniper that'due south painted on a flat surface instead of hanging. And I don't know why. It's far more easier to paint your sniper when it'southward hanging because you can pigment both sides at the same time and y'all can connect the tops and bottoms of the patterns. With that beingness said…. allow's motility on… What do you demand?

  • Your sniper 😉
  • Spray paint – apartment camouflage paint from Rust-Oleum
  • Some vegetation
  • Foliage
  • Blue painters tape
  • Pocketknife and scissors

What are the steps to paint your replica?

Step one: Remove or cover things

Several parts on your Airsoft replica you lot don't want to paint considering that causes malfunction or bad performance. These are the lenses of your telescopic similar your front drinking glass and rear glass, behind the trigger,  your (inner) mag and your chamber (hop up) or bolt. Put a plug in your barrel to avoid inner pigment.

Footstep two: Hang your replica at eye level

Hang your replica somewhere outside and keep your stock at about middle level. I don't recommend painting within considering you spray your gun and otherwise breath in some particles.

steps three: Wrapping the surface

If you merely bought your (sniper) rifle apply some notice sandpaper for wrapping the gun to give to pigment something to grip on. You tin can buy some fine sandpaper in a local paint store or a another big retailer. Otherwise y'all have to clean your gun an make sure that it'south gratis from dirt, grit and fat. You can employ some cleaning petrol or turpentine.

Step 4: Start with the lightest color

If yous bought a Rust-Oleum painting package, start with the sand color. Yous employ just a soft dusting. Don't become full car because y'all will definitely spray to thick. inside a few minutes the first layer is dry. Beginning over again.  With 2 layers sand color the paint cover the whole gun now and you don't see the original color anymore. Again, don't do it likewise thick. Just let it dry for a few minutes. Information technology'south possible to put wet paint on wet paint but I recommend to let it dry for a few minutes.

Step v: Move on with Ground forces Green

Now y'all start the real painting. You lot apply the green color and utilise some vegetation or some wide netting to create some camouflage patterns on your replica. If you didn't hang your gun then you can use some vegetation and put it on your gun. Otherwise you tin can employ some wide netting.

Before using some vegetation or wide netting you spray some diagonal stripes on you gun that you tin can use later as a guide when you piece of work with the tools I mentioned. Utilise the Army green to apply some diagonal stripes on the gun. It's like if you wrap your replica with a rope. Four stripes on each side is enough.

Stride 6: Move on with deep forest green

After yous put some diagonal stripes on the gun with army dark-green, have the darker green – deep wood greenish- and some broad netting or some vegetation. In this instance I prefer wide netting because then you tin come across the diagonal stripes that you applied in step 5. Wrap some wide netting effectually your gun on places where you applied the diagonal stripes. Use again a soft dusting. Be sure that tops and bottoms are connected. That way you create a sequence of camouflage patterns.

Your replica is now pretty much broken up after applying these camouflage patterns using a wide netting. But there are still some blank spots that you need to further cover upwards with some extra camouflage patterns. Therefore you lot tin use some local vegetation/ foliage. For example concur a co-operative with leaves on the bare sports and employ the deep forest greenish color to get the patterns on your replica.

Unfortunately your replica will nevertheless attract people'south attention because it doesn't blend in enough. In steps 7 we reveal what we do about that.

Pace 7: Cease with earth chocolate-brown

To blend in a bit more, we're going to utilize a thin netting and earth brown paint spray. We use these tools to cover the previously blank spots – described in step six – a bit more. You lot cover these spots by spray painting in the management of the diagonal stripes. As this is the concluding layer you want the patterns come out quite articulate. Therefore you need to concord the thin netting tighter to the surface of the replica. The dissimilarity is a predominant dark-brown/nighttime green colour. Your gun will blend in very well, especially in woodland.

Using these colors volition besides give you a better alter to survive in CQB playing. Both CQB as woodland are suitable with this pattern and color combination.

Step 8: Take the tape of and supplant parts

Airsoft gun paintingWhen your replica is dry you can take of the record and supersede some parts from which you didn't want that they got painted. And then have the tape off of the hop upwards adjustment, scope lenses, back of the trigger baby-sit and the magazine.

This whole procedure takes almost xx minutes.  The bully advantage of hanging your replica is painting both sides at the same time. You don't accept to wait until i side is dry to go over to the other side. Moreover, the left side does not differ from the correct side. If you paint your replica on the basis y'all don't see what you did on the other side. Therefore you're not able to connect top and bottom of your camouflage patterns.

So if haven't washed it this way, I would definitely give it a try the next time.

Airsoft camouflage gear

As you lot know past now, camouflage is very important. You volition be seen from a long distance if you camouflage is not correct. So it makes a huge divergence on how you choose your cover-up. Your camouflage gear should blend in the environment. I would like to discuss the most important Airsoft camouflage gear with their pros and cons.

Airsoft camouflage clothing

You tin can go equally far as you desire with camouflage clothing but they should have at least some tactical purposes. At all cost you lot want to be able to move freely without unnecessary ballast.

Boonie or helmet

A Boonie or helmet will break up the outline of your head because of the shield. Nothing in nature has a round shape like your head. If it is a Boonie or a helmet, you should consider to carry one. A inconspicuous helmet is more functional because y'all can put a camera on it yous are ameliorate protected against BB'due south.

Camouflaged mesh mask

A inconspicuous mesh mask volition cover-up the biggest part of your face. So if y'all don't paint you face up, a camouflaged mesh mask is a practiced style to suspension the outline of your face a bit more.

Tactical gloves

Airsoft camouflage - tactical glovesIt'south unbelievable what you tin can run into from a 100 yards if somebody is not using camouflage. Even some in-camouflaged hands can attract someone's attending. Wearing some gloves are a kind of protection but are also great to muffle your hands. Choose some gloves with knuckle protection and good grip.

Camouflage record

Instead of painting your replica, you lot can use some Multi-functional camouflage tape.  It'southward more than a temporary solution merely is really worth it if you exercise not camouflage your gun. You can use camouflage record for bones roofing of items similar your replica, tactical knife. This tape tin also dramatically meliorate grip and insulates hands from hot or cold surfaces.

Gainsay Uniform

It depends on what you want in Airsoft but if y'all really want to get into this sport I recommend wearing a tactical combat compatible with some good armed services boots and knee pads. This kind of functional apparel has many functional pockets and is fabricated of 50% polyester and 50% cotton. Choose a gainsay fix with removable articulatio genus pads and a low profile waist aligning organisation. The better combat uniforms has 10+ velcro pockets.


If yous don't utilise a mesh mask or face pigment you lot take ever the option to wear a balaclava. Your whole face is covered which give you a great advantage. Withal, a balaclava provide you with minimum face protection. As condom is always first, this is not what I recommend as a replacement.

Practice you accept other camouflage suggestions? Go out your comments downward below.


Cover-up is important in Airsoft. There are many things you can do due to cover-up and concealment. As I mentioned before, first with the basics. Know the basics of camouflage and concealment and you are far ahead of those who don't. Even without camouflage. You have to find out past yourself how important camouflage and concealment actually is. Exercise it on the field. Kickoff with basic camouflage techniques and basic camouflage gear. Don't become out there in blackness sweater or blue jeans. Try to get some inconspicuous wearable. It doesn't take to be expensive. It's more of import to choose the right cover-up blueprint and exist sure that you blend in your environment. Inquire your local field administrator if you not sure which design to cull.

I hope this article brings you lot a bit farther in you journey. Practiced luck on the field!

(1) www.armycadets.com

(2) wikipedia.org/list of war machine clothing

Wrapping Your Airsoft Gun in Camo Tape

Posted by: bakerprit1949.blogspot.com

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